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My first purchase was a travel bag (we’ll talk about that later), then I managed to buy a soft back suitcase. It was soft all round with kind of card boardish inner panels that you inserted to keep its structure, (a bit of a pain), then I graduated after some time to a semi soft back suitcase with hard leather corners and straps
…ummm, these were all nice …but what my heart really desired was a full set of HARD BACK LV LUGGAGE STACKED SKY HIGH!!! inclusive of hat box and vanity case.
…ummm, these were all nice …but what my heart really desired was a full set of HARD BACK LV LUGGAGE STACKED SKY HIGH!!! inclusive of hat box and vanity case.
My wishes FINALLY (AND I mean F-I-N-A-L-L-Y, ‘cos I’ve been wishing this wish since the age of 12!!!) came true when my husband overcome with joy at the birth of our ‘miracle’ baby, decided to surprise me with the unexpected gift of a set of Louis Vuitton luggage.
What made it even more memorable and specially appealing was that I was given a carte blanche (price no object), opportunity to go and pick whatever I wanted all by myself. I have to admit, there’s nothing as deliciously satisfying as shopping when you don’t have to look at the price!
What made it even more memorable and specially appealing was that I was given a carte blanche (price no object), opportunity to go and pick whatever I wanted all by myself. I have to admit, there’s nothing as deliciously satisfying as shopping when you don’t have to look at the price!
….Anyway so the very next morning (before he could have a chance to change his mind), I scurried off to the Louis Vuitton store in Knightsbridge.
Tip: When you want to make a large designer purchase, I always recommend you skip department stores and go to the shop itself and get the full designer experience. A word of warning though, if you’re not sure of your purchase you’d better stick to department stores as they have more flexible refund policies.
Eventually a sales girl sauntered up to me,
“Can I help you?” she asked rather reluctantly.
“I would like to have a look at this “, I replied equally nonchalantly, pointing to a suitcase in the store catalogue.
“I would like to have a look at this “, I replied equally nonchalantly, pointing to a suitcase in the store catalogue.
“Hmmm"…she paused, “that one costs 1,500" , she said dismissively, to the audible hearing of the entire shop.
“I didn’t ask for the price” I snapped,
“I said I was interested in looking at the suitcase”.
Startled by the sharpness of my reply she immediately went into what I call designer sales girl auto pilot.
“Err…yes Madam I quite understand, it’s just that you may have to wait some time as there is nobody available as all staff are very bu..” I cut her off before she could finish the sentence.
“Oh” I replied weakly, feigning disappointment, “I was rather interested in buying a SET of monogrammed luggage this morning”
Boy did her tone change, her dismissive attitude was replaced by a faint tone of desperation. All of a sudden it was,
“Aaah yes of course madam, let me see, I’m sure we can find…”
Before I knew it I was seated upstairs on a large leather sofa listening to the happy sounds of champagne popping and the seductive tinkle of champagne flutes. I didn’t even know how I got there…but I didn’t care…by now the smarmy sales girl was my new BF, everything was laughter and light.
"You want to see the vanity case on the top shelf?”
"Not a problem” she said chirpily, that was the new refrain for every request. Apparently nothing was too much bother. I was loving this!
After much oooing and aahing …more champagne…lots of laughter, (no doubt fuelled by the prospect of fat commissions), I finally settled on four suitcases in gradient sizes, a hat box, and a vanity case, together with navy blue suitcase covers.
The experience drew to a close with “How would you like to pay Madam?" I handed over the all important plastic and waited…the clatter of the computer as the card went through was so satisfying, accompanied by the magical words “Would you like these delivered? The ultimate thrill!
The Down side
Well if you’ve ever picked up a hard back LV suitcase, you would soon realize that in this fast paced jet set age they’re totally impractical – they weigh almost as much as your total baggage allowance even when empty! They don’t hold much so not very useful for big shopping trips. They are strictly for show, only to be used for romantic getaways at fancy hotels. Anything else is hazardous to your equilibrium.
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve waited in trepidation at airport luggage carousels praying that my luggage will come out…You know you’ve got a problem when the contents of your suitcase are worth less than the suitcase itself!
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve waited in trepidation at airport luggage carousels praying that my luggage will come out…You know you’ve got a problem when the contents of your suitcase are worth less than the suitcase itself!
Then there’s the frequent vandalization . You wouldn’t believe the number of times my suitcases have been slashed, even with the dust covers on, not to talk of the constant battering by rough baggage handlers. A word of warning; just one trip to Murtala Muhammed Airport Lagos will kill your luggage believe me!
As for the hat box and the vanity case, have you ever tried to board a plane with a hat box? The most inconvenient piece of luggage ever designed. It doesn’t fit in anywhere and to put it in the hold is to kiss it good bye…and the vanity case? Totally useless! I tried travelling with it once and promised myself never again it’s hard and I mean really hard, it kept banging on my thighs…and oh sooo heavy. Carrying it was just exhausting.
…Knowing what I know now; would I still buy an LV luggage set? ABSOLUTELY!!! Just looking at them gives me pleasure. Mine may not get to travel much, but they make great decorative pieces.
There’s nothing more calculated to instill envy in your 'friends' than LV luggage artfully arranged as furniture accessory.
Mine are stacked like a sculptured art piece in the corner of my bedroom. To my mind a few pieces of LV luggage here and there always raises the tone of any décor. Of course an LV trunk placed at the bottom of your bed is the ultimate Hope Chest pure luxury...
There’s nothing more calculated to instill envy in your 'friends' than LV luggage artfully arranged as furniture accessory.
Mine are stacked like a sculptured art piece in the corner of my bedroom. To my mind a few pieces of LV luggage here and there always raises the tone of any décor. Of course an LV trunk placed at the bottom of your bed is the ultimate Hope Chest pure luxury...
…Just to let you know, my LV luggage still have a lot of traveling days in them. I haven’t totally retired them as of yet …only waiting for the perfect accessory ….a G550!
PJ’s and LV's now that's hot!
You’ve been dreaming of buying genuine Louis Vuitton products? There’s a way to get ORIGINAL NEW Louis Vuitton products at an affordable price ...watch this space!
Don’t fake it! Always buy genuine designer products …the pleasure is in the price!
Lovely article filled with humour... Love it!