...would love to know myself!
My bag is like the black hole, once something goes in it doesn’t come out. The worst thing you can do is ask me for a pen or my business card, I know it’s there somewhere, but where? Is the question, so when my bf (blog friend) Sisi Yemmie asked me to show and tell I was rather reluctant.

You see apart from the potential for embarrassment, there was also the moral dilemma; should I cheat and show myself as I am, err…in my mind? Or should I just come clean and show myself as I am?
Then there was the matter of the bag, which bag would I choose? I mean every fashion forward girl possesses several bags. Surely they couldn’t have meant the tie-dye bag (even though it was Issey Myake) I hurriedly grabbed on my way to the hairdressers in the morning? I mean is this bag really me? Having determined that it wasn’t reeaally me I decided to showcase my chocolate brown Hermes bag on the right here...
...I know what you’re thinking, I thought the same thing too when I opened the huge orange box in excited anticipation …"Oh!" I thought rather disappointedly while still trying to freeze-hold a smile of ecstatic pleasure, "It doesn’t look like a Hermes bag"…and this was my birthday present??? Grrr!
When Doc (my husband) finally told me the price, I could barely utter the words "it’s lovely!"…all I could think about was the price, I mean; not even a logo in sight - at that price??? What’s the point??? jeeez!!! Who does that?? My husband of course! He’s so understated it hurts. His reply to the very obvious question "What’s the point of having a Hermes bag if nobody knows it’s a Hermes bag?" was, “Those who know will know!” Are you convinced? Nah! Neither was I so I have taken the liberty of ‘snapping’ the gold embossed logo detail which was tucked discreetly, (rather too discreetly if you ask me), inside the inner flap above the pocket zip, for your reassurance.
My motto is; Why Leave anything to the imagination when a little logo can help?
So what's inside my bag?