When people say “Don’t buy fake products” there is usually a knee jerk reaction that follows. While some nod in agreement and tut about how fakes affect the economy, kill creativity, blah, blah, blah, (yes that’s what it sounds like if you’d love to have a designer brand you can’t afford), the gut reaction of others is the rhetorical question “why not?!”
Rather than ask why not? Maybe the question you ought to ask yourself is why?
OK let me help. Counterfeits tend to appeal to people who want to demonstrate their status, but don’t have the funds to do so with genuine products. Does that sound like you?
Ok. No shame in that, we all need to demonstrate our status, now and then, especially in a world that is driven by status. But the question to ask yourself is whether buying a fake, counterfeit or replica product really achieves that objective.
Not really! I think it generally has the reverse effect. It diminishes your status and doesn’t allow you to confidently navigate high status situations. Those who know tend to have a keen eye for such things and therefore will usually note it.
Counterfeit products are often easily spotted. The printing on closer inspection may be slightly blurred, and the embroidery and material used of low quality. We tend to go for counterfeit products because we want to save money, but in reality that doesn’t turn out to be the case. When you buy a counterfeit product you lose the benefit of the genuine designer brand. Designer brands are usually made from high quality materials to a superior standard and are therefore longer lasting.
Longer lasting means that the high cost over the long run works out to be a pretty cool bargain. A Hermes Kelly bag bought for £1,750 12 years ago (and still going strong) works out to about £145. Per annum. This can translate into great savings and a hedge against inflation (are you following the math?) Apart from the savings, desirable brands kept in good condition have a great resale value which makes them a great bonus buy at the end of the day. Of course they become re-desirable highly sought after “Vintage” brands which can be sold on or passed down to one’s children or relations. Counterfeit items have no resale or auction value. More importantly however is that genuine designer brands are backed by manufacturer’s guarantee which means if there is a problem, you can return the item for repair or replacement. If your counterfeit product gets spoilt that’s it. Gone! The money you thought you were saving has gone down the drain and all you have to show for it is negative equity and valueless junk!
Still not convinced? So how do you feel about fake medicine, fake brake pads and fake electronics etc? Caught in an ethical dilemma? Who isn’t? Lack of money is the biggest stumbling block to all our designer dreams, especially with the holiday celebrations coming up. But do not despair there is a way to be ethical and get GENUINE designer products without stretching your finances. Go to www.uwantit.com and acquire your desires for less.
Remember, when people see you with fake products they may begin to wonder what else is fake…